Multiple Personality Detective Psycho Volume 15 QR codes, mobile distribution Kisekae

Tajima by Ootsuka Eishi original "Multiple Personality Detective Psycho" to celebrate the release of 15 volumes, "Mobile Kisekae Psycho" campaign by downloading.
"Mobile Kisekae Psycho" is installed, the phone displays a variety of "Psycho" that can be customized to specifications. Idle screen and menu screen, as well as sending and receiving mail, incoming and outgoing calls, trying to enjoy the finish and attention to detail and the battery level signal strength indicator. Download "Multiple Personality Detective Psycho" at the band performed, Volume 15 QR code can be accessed from a dedicated site. Implementation period until January 11. And more compatible models, see
the official website.
The "Multiple Personality Detective Psycho" was produced trailers, Volume 15, YouTube Check out together in public because they are Kadokawa Anime Channel.
■ Multiple Personality Detective Psycho - Volume 15 - the latest book trailers
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